About me 


Welcome to our site. My name is Rosa, and the handsome gentleman with me is Uston. 

After a full, and very intense year training as a guide dog, a medical test revealed that life had other plans for Uston, and he became my beloved pet. 

Uston has taught me an awful lot about patience, perseverance, and the long-term rewards of good, unfaltering teamwork. He has also brought me closer to several wonderful people and their four-legged companions, and ultimately pushed me to take the leap and create a dog training business. 

I firmly believe that dogs have the potential to enhance anybody's life, and that training and behaviour "hiccups" should never get in the way of what can be a beautiful, loving relationship. 

Whether your relationship with your dog is a bit tense, whether you have a puppy and s/he is making you doubt your decision (been there!), or whether you'd like to optimize and fine-tune a particular aspect of life with your dog, please get in touch, I'd love to help! 

                                                                    I speak English, French, Italian, Spanish, and I understand Dutch. 

My trainings and qualifications 

I continuously update my knowledge and skills by keeping abreast of the latest dog training techniques and effective ways to deal with behavioural issues. Below is a list of the trainings I have completed so far and ones that I am currently working on (ongoing). 

Dr Joel Dehasse – training on canine behaviour coach (ongoing)

Dr Dehasse is a European expert in animal behavioural medicine. The training is comprised of 150 hours training and 50 clinical cases with validated reports + end of training exam. This training has been validated by the Ordre des Vétérinaires Francophones, (Order of French-speaking veterinaries).

Modules covered:

1. Behavioural analysis models 

2. Dog psychology and psychotropic drugs 

3. Sociality of dogs and humans 

4. Dog aggression 

5. Behavioural medicine (ongoing)

6. Clinical consultations (ongoing)

Victoria Stilwell Academy - Fundamentals of Dog Training & Behaviour Course 

Dog Training College UK  

  • Overcoming Separation Anxiety
  • Understanding Dog Aggression
  • The ABC's Of Behaviour [Antecedent, Behaviour, Consequences] (ongoing

The Institute of Modern Dog Trainers

  • Breed and Predatory Motor Patterns (ongoing

Lectures and conferences

  • Virginie Rémion - conference sur l'alimentation des chiens et des chats, Février 2023

Other trainings

  • Arizona State University, Dog Behavior: Problems and Solutions
  • First aid Cats and Dogs, Level 1, Dr Virginie Derbaudrenghien, Acamedy Vet
2023 Uston we don't have a problem | All rights reserved.
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